Boosting Your Self-confidence : Is Hair Restoration More Than Just Aesthetic ?

Hair loss is more than just a medical condition to be treated with medications. It has psychological effects on many individuals. This is not unusual, considering hair growth and length are often associated with vitality. This explains why people invest tons of money in hair transplant procedures. For them, it is more than just a beauty uplift; it improves their mental and emotional well-being. 

How does hair loss impact one’s emotional well-being ?

There are different reasons for hair loss, ranging from genetics to age. One of the most underrated factors, however, is stress. When an individual is exposed to stressful situations over a long period, it could result in hair loss. For some individuals, this could leave them feeling insecure or helpless.  The sense of helplessness heightens when temporary solutions such as wigs, hair growth oils, diet changes, and similar remedies do not address the issue.

Most people become depressed, have lowered self-esteem, and even struggle with their body image. It is not uncommon to find such persons avoiding social gatherings to avoid drawing attention to themselves or having to explain themselves to everyone. This emphasizes the significance of hair transplants—these procedures often have hair transparent before and after looks. 

What options are available to boost your self-confidence ?

Different options are available to individuals who want to explore hair restoration procedures. Specifically, hair transplant procedures could involve either of the following:

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant

This involves the extraction of the donor follicles from the back of the head and placing the extracted follicles in the bald area. The extraction could either be done manually or using a dedicated tool to achieve the desired results. It is one of the most popular methods across the globe.

Direct hair implantation (DHI)

This improved method is similar to FUE but involves a specialized implant tool. A pen-like tool (i.e., a Choi pen) is used to implant each follicle into the bald areas of the head. In most cases, patients are placed under local anesthesia, which is generally painless.  

Body hair transplantation (BHT)

This procedure involves taking hair from different body parts and transplanting it into one’s scalp. It is often resorted to when you do not have sufficient hair in the donor area to conceal your hair loss fully. The popular donor areas include one’s beard, neck, chest, legs, and even back. 
While there is no doubt that a stigma is associated with certain health conditions, such as hair loss, it is essential to recognize that viable solutions are available to individuals. You would agree that modern technology has also evolved to accommodate human needs, including self-esteem and personal identity. It is recommended that people leverage these technologies to achieve the results that they seek. Whether you are interested in booking a hair transplant session or exploring your options further, do not let the fear of stigma hold you back. You are just a step away from your next confidence boost. Just make sure you research thoroughly before you visit a transplant clinic.