If you are having misalignment of teeth then it is important for you to take steps to reduce the misalignment. There are aligners that help people to align their teeth and ensure that there is no misalignment. It will help us to have straightened teeth and also improve our personality. There are two types of aligners such as traditional braces and invisalign aligners. There are various new inventions in the form of invisalign aligners but as there are new things, it also comes with its own myths and misconceptions.
So, in this article, we will understand some of the myths and misconceptions about invisalign aligners in Hollywood. You can also understand the myths by consulting any Hollywood Invisalign centers. Meanwhile, in this article, let’s understand some of the important misconceptions about invisalign aligners.
What are Some of the Common Myths and Misconceptions About Invisalign Aligners?
Myths and misconceptions are very common about any new thing in the world. So, when there was this new thing of invisalign aligners, it came with its own myths and misconceptions. Let’s understand some of the important myths and misconceptions.
Myth 1: Invisalign braces take more time in comparison to traditional braces
It is considered that wired braces are more effective than invisalign. People feel that invisalign aligners take more time than traditional braces. However, the fact is that traditional braces take more time in comparison to invisalign aligners. Traditional braces take around 18 months to straighten the teeth however, invisalign braces take around 10-12 months. It is also important to note that the timing for invisalign braces differs from person to person and therefore, there is no stipulated rule to say that invisalign braces take more time than traditional braces.
Myth 2: Invisalign is only effective in treating mild crookedness and not severe misalignment.
This is one of the other myths and misconceptions saying that it only treats mild crookedness. However, it is not a fact because plastic aligners are enough to align the whole set of teeth. Invisalign helps in treating the whole set of gaps, spacing in the teeth, teeth crowding, crossbites, underbites, and other such issues. So, it is not true that only traditional braces can help in solving the issue of misalignment.
Myth 3: Invisalign is inconvenient in comparison to Traditional Braces.
When we see the effectiveness of traditional braces, then it comes with a lot of discomfort. There are metal braces, crackers, and wires that can lead to cuts and other such problems. It also leads to eating problems because food gets stuck between the wires and its brackets and therefore, it is said that it leads to some uncomfortable experiences for people. However, when we talk about the invisalign aligners, it is free from these wired braces as there are plastic trays that help in aligning the teeth. You can easily remove the braces while eating or drinking anything. So, when it is considered convenient, then traditional braces are more inconvenient than invisalign braces.
Myth 4: Invisalign is more expensive than braces
This is the most common myth about invisalign aligners. It is considered that these aligners are more expensive than braces. However, when we talk about the effectiveness, then invisalign aligners are more effective than the braces and thus, it is worth trying these aligners. When we compare the costs, both the treatments almost cost the same money but when we try the effectiveness then invisalign aligners are more effective and worth the money.
So, these are some of the common misconceptions about invisalign aligners t